imdad insaf program online registrationprocedure process LAHORE: The chief minister presided over a meeting at his office here Monday which approved Chief Minister’s Insaf Imdad Package worth Rs10 billion. On this occasion, the CM directed to early launch the package for distribution of financial aid among the needy families through a foolproof mechanism. A sum of Rs4,000 will be given to 25 lakh deserving families. He said that financial grant under Chief Minister Punjab Insaf Imdad Package would be in addition to the relief package of the federal government to facilitate the daily-wagers. Giving detail of the package, he said that applications would be received online and after the verification of the antecedents, the money would be transferred online while complaints would also be launched online. He directed that the application form be simplified and only necessary information like names, CNICs and mobile phone numbers of the applicants be collected. The Punjab government has taken unprecedented steps for ...